Christmas, Not Only For Enjoyment – Bishop Nwokolo

The Bishop on the Niger, Rt. Rev. Dr. Owen Nwokolo has urged Christians to celebrate the yuletide with the consciousness that the period is not only for unguarded enjoyment as it is being celebrated today.
Speaking at Christmas Service held at All Saints Cathedral, the Bishop told christians that in celebrating Christmas, they should appreciate the facts that there were elements of hardship encountered by Jesus and his family during his birth.
He said that from the birth of Jesus Christ till his death, he suffered but had the confident of the fact that he would always be victorious.
In the same manner, he said it will not be bed of roses for christians in the race to heaven but they are kept by the assurance that they would be victorious in all their challenges.
Bishop Nwokolo said if Christmas was all enjoyment galore, Jesus would not have been born in a manger.
“His parents would not have taken him to safety to Egypt to escape the onslaught of King Herod who wanted to eliminate the saviour at all cost. Many infants were killed in his bid to kill Jesus.”
Bishop Nwokolo said that Jesus’ parents were not among the upper class but underclass during his birth, to show that the road to heaven is not an easy one.
Even as he was going to Jerusalem, Christ went with a donkey instead of a horse, indicating his lonely place
He therefore charged christians to always bear in mind that Christmas is not always celebration galore but there were also element of sadness and lack during the season.
Bishop Nwokolo said those who might have been bemoaning their poor state this season should take a cue from Jesus’ and that of the lonely background of his parents.
But he however stated that what is critical is that in every situation a Christian finds himself, God will always grant him/her victory in those challenges.
Present at Christmas Service were the Chief Judge of Anambra State, Hon.Justice O. M, Anyachebelu and his wife.
The Diocesan Chancellor, Nnamdi Ibegbu (SAN), and other members of the legal team.
The high ponts of the service was hymns rendition by cathedral choir.

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