UCKEMORAN boss asks Anambra citizens to back Soludo to flush out touts

Alphonsus Nweze

The chairman of United Commercial Keke -NAPEP and Motor Riders Association of NIgeria (UCKEMORAN), Anambra State chapter, Chief Arunsi Igbaniuka, has called on Anambra people to support Governor Chukwuma Soludo in his determined efforts to flush out touts in the state.

Chief Igbaniuka spoke recently when the chapter held its convention at Awka, the Anambra capital to reaffirm their support for the governor.

“This is to show our unalloyed support and solidarity to the present government led by Prof. Soludo and all his seasoned commissioners.”

The UCKEMORAN boss expressed his avowed confidence in the ability of Prof. Soludo and the Commissioner for Transport, Hon. Patricia Igwebuike, to reposition the transport system in the state.

He said the group has zero tolerance to touts popularly called “agbaro” on Anambra roads, hence that unalloyed support to the governor to flush out touts in the state.

“We are using this convention to let everybody, especially our members to know that it is now an offence against our association to pay dues or levies to any tout or agency purporting to be collecting money on behalf of government, while they divert the money so collected to personal and private accounts. This purely is tantamount to working against the goals of this present administration to sanitise our society and salvage it from criminals.”

The chairman said they have decided that whenever the state government arrives at how much Keke and motorbikes operators would pay, their members would not hesitate to pay as at when due.

He said this has become imperative because they have resolved to ensure that the State Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) was properly harnessed so that Government can provide basic amenities like roads, security among others.

Consequently, Igbaniuka assured that his group would be duty bound in checkmating notorious individuals who will sneak out among them to commit criminal activities under the cover of UCKEMORAN members.

Highlights of the ocassion was the unveiling of chairmen of the groups in 21 Local Government Area of Anambra State.
Chairmen of UCKEMORAN in the three senatorial zone in the state were present at the convention among other key members.

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