Anambra Police bust under aged sex hotel

Rescue 35, arrest nine workers

Recovers three pump action

The Anambra State Police Command has bust a hotel where underaged girls were being used as sex slaves .
In the operation led by the Onitsha Police Area Commander, John Obuagbaka, an Assistant
Commissioner of Police (ACP), 35 of the girls, out of whom four of them are pregnant were rescued.
Nine workers of the hotel called Gally Gally and located at Nkpor in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State, seven female workers and two vigilante boys were arrested during the operation.

Three Pump Action guns used by the vigilante boys to provide security at the brothel were also recovered during the operation but the Police said some persons, including the proprietor of the hotel are still at large.

Also recovered was the sum of eight hundred and seventy seven naira (877,000.00) apparently the money being collected from the girls are proceed from their sex excapades with their male partners.

On enqiuiry, it was discovered that some of the girls, according to Tochukwu Ikenga, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) came from Anambra , Delta, Rivers and Benue States.

Some of the girls who spoke to newsmen said they were either lured by their aunties or friends under the pretext that they were helping them to get a job but they ended up being forced into sex slaves as they were not allowed to leave the place even when they wanted.

One of the girls said they were subjected to daily bouts of sex by several men who paid them one thousand naira (N1,000.00).

She said that each of them can sleep with as many as 10 men in a day and can make as much as N10, 000.00 per day from which their madam usually give them three hundred naira each.

The PPRO revealed that the proprietor sold the children born by any of the girls without even giving them the opportunity to see their children.

Ikenga said the Police would prosecute the staff who broke the law, while the girls were officially handed over to the staff of NAPTIP in the state.
He also said the Police will launch manhunt for the proprietor of the brothel who is on the run.
The Police image-maker advised parents and guardians to deliberately create robust relationship with their children/wards because what happened was purely parental failure, urging parents to take care of their children.

“Most of these girls are innocent. They need people to properly guide and guard them,” he concluded.

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