Nigeria’ ll flourish again after 2023 election – Pastor Ojogho

Alphonsus Nweze

Pastor John Ojogho of Foursquare Gospel Church, Asaba, has predicted that in spite of the current leadership challenges facing Nigeria, the country will flourish again after 2023 presidential election.

Dr. Ojogho who spoke on Sunday in a sermon at the church’s District Headquarters, Umuagu, Asaba, on the topic: “Season of set time and divine appointment,” predicted that there would be a new Nigeria in 2023.
He said: “God has appointment with Nigeria in 2023. Pray that you will be one of the witnesses of that appointment.”
Pastor Ojogho said that the season of set time is an “encounter with God’s divine visitation upon one’s situation. Every divine appointment has miracle. And it takes place in a distressful situation, when you have exhausted your capacity. It is a time when distress is turned into worship. Those who saw you yesterday would not recognise you because God has had an appointment with you.”

Quoting the scripture copiously, Dr. Ojogho enumerated a number of characters and situations God intervened and promised divine appointment.

He said Nigeria is in a moment of distress and the people are in a hurry to get out of the situation,
stating” Nigeria is not a pleasurable place to live in now. And so there is need for divine appointment and it will happen in 2023.”

The preacher said when divine appointment occurs it changes people’s perspective, assuring that come 2023 the perspectives of Nigerians and other countries around the country will change because God would have visited them.

He said although there is fear in the land as evil and pervert men have taken over the country, but there is an assurance that God has an upper hand.
“I will sing a new song. Nigerians will sing a new song. Our fear will be over. God will step into our situation. When God steps in, it settles every controversy,” said Pastor Ojogho.

Continuing, “in divine appointments, everything changes. You cannot have divine encounter with God and still remain the same. We will flourish, we will sing a new song in Nigeria and nothing can stop it.”
Dr. Ojogho concluded by assuring Nigerians not to worry as the time of rescue and favour has come and time to change from bad to good government has come

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