Flood: Awogu calls for help from international community

Alphonsus Nweze

The All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) House of Representatives contestant for Ogbaru Federal Constituency, Sir Arinze Awogu, has called on international community, public spirited organisations and individuals to come to the rescue of Ogbaru community and other communities in the country where flood has ravaged.
Awogu who is the immediate Caretaker Committee Chairman of Ogbaru Local Government Area made the call weekend during his installation as a Knight of St Christopher by the Bishop of Ogbaru Diocese Anglican Communion, Rt. Rev. Promise Amah.
He said Ogbaru, like many other communities hit by the flood is undergoing ecological disaster of monumental dimension.

As there is no community and individual who are not affected by the flood in Ogbaru that has submerged the entire communities in the Local Government for almost three months.

He said: “We are calling on the world to come to our rescue. Our infrastructures are in a shamble. The roads have all collapsed. The bridges have all collapsed one by one.
The people are in dire situation. You see people hanging on roof tops. You see people perching on tree tops. You see people hanging on any upland space so they could just survive. You see people not having food to eat. We are calling on the people of the world to come to the aid of Ogbaru people.”

Awogu lamented that Ogbaru has experienced what it has never experienced in the annals of its history.
“It is important that at this time all well meaning individuals and organizations should come to the aid of Ogbaru people.”

He said that this is in line with the responsibility and commission given to Christians which is to cater for the well being of people.

The former Political adviser to ex-Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie Obiano, quoted Christ’s injunction in the Bible that he was not taken care of when he was in need, in prison, homeless, naked and hungry.
He inferred that this is the typical situation Ogbaru people are now passing through.

“When you provide food for Ogbaru people of Anambra State, you have given food to Christ. That call could not have come at a better time than now,” said the House Representatives candidate.

Speaking on his initiation into Knighthood, “I feel honoured and fulfilled. I am amazed by the honour done me and my wife. I am happy that our activities for the society and for the body of Christ have been recognised. The investiture into the order of Knight of St. Christopher is no mean feat. I am happy for the church which has found me worthy to be conferred with this honour.”

Continuing, he revealed that this is the fourth time he has been invited to become a knight but turned it down.
This time he had to accept to soldier on because “we are to defend the faith, to commit to have the people of the world to do the right thing.”

Awogu said their work is simple, the church does not go into extinction and that the gospel of Christ continue to thrive around the world.
Earlier in his sermon, Bishop Amah, said the knights are known for their life style, disposition and character, saying that what one does for the church qualifies him for the position of knighthood.

He pontificated that it is a call for duty in the church of God and challenged the 11 new knights to emulate the lifestyle of St Christopher

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