Awogu promises to utilise Ecological Fund for Ogbaru – I’ll push for permanent solution to flood disaster in Nigeria

Hon. Arinzechukwu John Awogu (KSC) has assured that he would make Ecological Fund to work and be felt in Ogbaru Federal Constituency if elected in February 25, 2023.

Awogu spoke weekend at Okpoko, a sprawling suburb of Ogbaru Local Government Area of Anambra State when he unveiled his manifestoes, which partly explained his approach to the myriad of ecological problems confronting Ogbaru.

He said: “I will work with the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project (NEWMAP) to see that all drainages crossing Asaba-Onitsha Expressway into Okpoko and crossing Owerri Road into Okpoko are blocked and rechanneled directly into the River-Niger and Idemili canal respectively instead of passing through Okpoko because that is the reason why Okpoko is flooded. Once we stop water from Upper-Iweka, Awada, Owerri Road and Asaba-Onitsha Expressway from coming into Okpoko, Okpoko will no longer be flooded and Sakamori drain will also not be silted as it use to.”

Awogu reiterated the need for Okpoko to be rescued from flash-flood that occurs whenever it rains, “Okpoko experiences flash-flood any time it rains. The flood that sweeps people away in Okpoko is not rain water within Okpoko but the rain waters from Awada, Obosi, Nkpor, Fegge that were wrongly channeled into Okpoko that causes the flash-flood in Okpoko whenever it rains. I will work to effect its rechannelization in order to free Okpoko from the anguish of regular flooding whenever it rains.”
Continuing: “There is what is called ecological fund which was created in 1981 through the Federation Account Act to serve as an intervention fund to address the various environmental challenges in communities across the country. The reason that fund has not made impact in Ogbaru is what I don’t know. But if employed through your vote, I will ensure that ecological fund works in Ogbaru for the remediation of the many ecological challenges in Ogbaru Federal Constituency.”

Sir Awogu gave the background of the general flooding in Ogbaru and the country at large and said that it is a solvable problem.
“The harrowing experience that people of Ogbaru go through every year over the ravaging flood with huge losses in human, material, accompanying discomfort and anguish can best be explained on the faces of our people’s walls. The devastating flood has taken many lives, while thousands of others have been rendered homeless with their properties lost. Several thousands of hectares of farmlands have been swallowed by the flood, leaving the farmers in a state of hopelessness and poverty. Communities have been sacked, schools, roads and culverts washed away.”

Ogbaru and other Nigerian communities, he said, were always at the receiving end of this ugly flood disaster coming from the Cameroonian Lagdo Reservoir dam when released from time to time to avoid heavy destruction causes monumental damage in many Nigerian communities.
“When it was released in 2012, it caused massive flood disaster in Ogbaru and other Nigerian communities. This year 2022, the doors and the windows of the Lagdo Reservoir dam were opened, Ogbaru and other Nigerian communities faced the tragedy once again. I will push for a permanent solution to this flood disaster in Nigeria,” he assured.

Awogu called on the Federal Government to dredge and deepen critical Nigerian Rivers and tributaries and at the same time build dams and buffer zones to collect excess water so as to free Ogbaru and other Nigerian communities from flooding.

The dam(s), he said, would provide irrigation for thousands of hectares of farmlands as well as generate electricity for many Nigerians.

“With this approach, instead of the yearly losses, we would have gained multiplier effect of positive advantages from the dams. This line of thought will be pursued very strongly by me at the National Assembly if I am employed by you, God willing,” said Awogu.

He also added that he would pursue a programme of land reclamation from the River Niger and assured that part of the larger objective will be to return the River Niger to its original route that was away from Ogbaru mainland.

“My assurance to you and to the good people of Ogbaru Federal Constituency is that under my representation, I will deploy all legislative instruments to the benefit and service of our Federal Constituency and I will ensure prudent utilisation of Constituency Funds for genuine, impactful, people–focussed, transparent, verifiable projects and programmes. This I can guarantee you. And I pledge to be the embodiment of the true Ogbahu Spirit of brotherhood, responsibility, hardwork, selflessness, fairness, fear of God, courage and commitment to equity and social justice.”

In response, the people of Okpoko unanimously adopted Awogu as their sole candidate for House of Representatives’ Ogbaru Federal Constituency, 2023.
They confessed that they are at home with him.

They affirmed that he has proven over the years that he understands the problems of Okpoko and has shown he is willing and capable of addressing them.

Awogu, a former Senior Special Assistant to former Gov. Willie Obiano on Political Matters and Caretaker Committee Chairman for Ogbaru Local Government Area has continued to keep to his promise of maintaining and carrying out issue based campaign.

His critical areas of need projected to bring his full weight to bear if elected include: education, healthcare, roads, water, sports and social development, ecological and environmental interventions, agricultural, infrastructural and industrial development.

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