As Anambra traders protest, I’ve no hand in the demolition -Ochanja Market leader

The Ochanja Market Chairman and his Secretary

Over five thousand traders of Odu-Igbo market in Ochanja, mainly comprising women has protested the planned demolition of their market by the Anambra State Government.

The traders who staged their protest at the market, later carried it to Onitsha-South Local Government Area during the weekend to see the Transition Committee Chairman, Mr. Emeka Orji.

Some of the placards they carried during the protest read: “Don’t demolish the market we use to feed our children.” “They should go and find where to build plaza.” “There is no place given to us yet.” “There is Odu-Igbo in every market.”

What sparked off the protest was a memo from the Transition Committee Chairman of Onitsha South Local Government Area, giving the traders three days to vacate the market because it would be demolished on or before July 3, 2023.
The chairman of the market was not available to comment on the matter but some women met on the ground expressed surprise that the State Government decided to demolish their market.

However, when journalists spoke with the chairman of Ochanja market, Chief Bonaventure Muo, he confirmed the planned demolition by the Government and series of meetings the leaders of the market had with the Deputy Governor, Dr. Onyekachukwu Ibezim.

He also said the Deputy Governor had visited to inspect the market and said that Governor Chukwuma Soludo had insisted that the market must come down for a new model plaza market.
Muo denied ever having a hand in the plan to demolish the market, saying that he cannot stop Government when they have decided to pull down the market.
He said: “Our duty is to convey the Government directive to the traders. I don’t have the mandate to demolish any market, It is the Government. I can’t do anything about it. I can’t stop them.”
Muo however promised that those of them who have allocation papers would not lose their shops but stated that he could not vouch for those who do not have.

He said that although the demolition is not from Ochanja Central Leadership as many of the traders were alleging, but the demolition will give room for modernisation of the market was long overdue.

The chairman advised those who were protesting to take their protest to Government House, Awka which conceived the idea.
He said about 1, 200 traders would be affected after the demolition but a trader in the market countered that the estimate was too conservative, stressing that no fewer than 5000 traders would be affected if Government carries out the demolition.

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