Protest Rocks Onitsha over arrest of Aluminum Chairman

Aluminum dealers and traders at Oguta Road, Onitsha have protested the arrest of their Caretaker Committee Chairman, Mr. Tochukwu Aneke, by Police from the Central Police Station (CPS), Onitsha, Anambra State. The chairman was arrested Monday morning as the market was almost ready for the inauguration of the new Board of Trustees (BoT). The Secretary of the market told newsmen that the former chairman of the market and some removed BoT members were the reason for the protest. The protesters made up mainly of youths matched from Oguta Road through…

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By Abubakar Umar “The more money you spend on guns, the less money you spend on people! More weapons, less happiness; more guns, more misery!” Mehmet Murat Ildan The concrete ties which exist between Niger Republic and Nigeria dates back long before the colonial era especially the Northern part of Nigeria which shares a border of about 1500 kilometers with the neighboring country. Meanwhile, before the artificial borders created and imposed on Africans by the West, these are people that lived almost as one because they share common language, culture,…

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