Cleric advises parents to bring up children in the fear of God

Alphonsus Nweze The District Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church, Asaba District, Rev Celestine Benson has urged parents to strive to bring up their children in the way of God so that they stand for God when they grow up.Rev. Benson spoke last Sunday when he gave his pastoral charge during the celebration of children’s Day at the District Headquarters of the church, Umuagu, Asaba, Delta State capital. The man of God challenged parents to equally invest in the education of their children to make them responsible citizens in their adult…

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NOA Advocates the Promotion, Respect of Nigerian children’s Rights

The State Director, National Orientation Agency (NOA) Anambra State Directorate, Barrister Charles Nwoji, has advocated for the arrest, detention and prosecution of parents who send their children or wards out to hawk during school hours in the state and elsewhere in the country by government at all levels.The director, who was speaking during a press interview in his office in Awka as the Children of Anambra State joined their counterparts all over the country to celebrate the 2022 Children’s Day in the state, observed that the practice of hawking in…

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